
Entry haroka
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fakana zavatra any anaty lavaka na rano [1.1]
Explanations in French Action de fouiller, de plonger, de passer la main dans [1.3]

Entry haroka
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Fangaronana mba hahalalana izay afenin' ny sasany [1.1]
Explanations in English Deceit, fraud, duplicity, double dealing, ferreting out [1.2]
Explanations in French Action de sonder quelqu’un [1.3]
  [Tankarana] Fourberie. [1.19]

Entry haroka
Part of speech adjective
Explanations in English Hollow, hollowed out, as a canoe. [1.2]
Explanations in French Creux, creusé [1.3]

Updated on 2020/07/31